been reading lesbian erotic fiction for as long as I knew it existed. I spent
decades digging through independent bookstores and ordering from the print
lists of niche presses in far-flung regions. With the growth of digital
publishing and arrival of inexpensive self-publishing, I anticipated reams of
quality lesbian erotic fiction would clutter my browser. Sadly, the web is
choking on maleslash fiction, as well as the ever-evolving combinations that
include penises (M/F, M/M, F/M/M, F/M/M/F, F/M/M/M, etc.).
As I
get older, I find I just don't have the patience to read anything that doesn't
absolutely thrill me. Well-written lesbian sexual adventures thrill me. There
are a few presses valiant enough to maintain a penis-free zone, but not many. Not enough. That's why I started a
lesbian erotic press: Strange Flesh Press
Flesh Press (SFP) started operation just this summer. We're a micropress,
meaning we publish very few titles each year. For now. We plan to grow slowly,
providing quality stories with quality production, while taking good care of
our authors.
As an
author, I lived in the trenches of the digital revolution for over a decade.
That included publishing traditionally and self-publishing, as well as being
the victim of press failures, copyright infringement, and shady business
ethics. It can be disheartening to discover who's really behind that pseudonym,
web page, or business. That's another reason I started a press. Anyone doing
business with SFP knows who I am and where to find me. My goal is to find and
develop quality lesbian erotic fiction.
SFP has free short stories that you can download in your favorite ebook format
at our https://strangefleshpress.com
or https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/StrangeFleshPress.
We have longer works available for purchase. We have our first print release
coming in January.
to Us
fiction submissions should contain explicit F/F sex. We're open to a range from
easy porn fantasies to transgressive erotica. Whatever you write, just convince
us, excite us. Make us feel. We offer single payment for shorts and web content
and a generous contract for accepted royalty-based ebooks. We seek fiction
under 40,000 words unless you're already published with us. We love our authors
and want to keep them happy, so we'll work with your projects once you're with
SFP, including longer works, print titles, anthologies, graphic novels--you
name it. We'll make it work.
the blog, consider submitting industry news, reviews of lesbian books/art,
thought and opinion pieces, education, illustration, design, and flash fiction.
Just keep in mind that our focus is lesbian (F/F) erotic experience.
With Us
humble beginnings.... Two of us run the shop. SFP has a handful of published
works. As we grow, we'll need enthusiastic editors, cover artists,
illustrators, and blog content editors. If you're interested in participating
as a consultant or regular contributor, we can promise you hard work and at
least a little money. We can promise you'll receive quality presentation, a
byline, links, and copies of your work (if applicable). Send me an email, and
let's start a discussion.
speaks for the gods. She wants her empire back and her brother dead. ROOK kills
for the gods. He wants to keep Avestine safe from all harm, including the harm
she does to herself. KAMI doesn't believe in the gods and doesn't know what she
wants. She's the daughter of a whore and naive to few things, except the
ferocious power coming to life within her--a power that will one day eclipse
her legendary companions and usher in the end of the world. DARKLAW is an epic
fantasy for adults about an awakening of the gods and the twilight of an empire.
Hi Teresa,
ReplyDeleteWhen i saw the cover for Adventures of a Lesbian Cowboy, I hoped it was a novelized expansion of your story by that name in my Lesbian Cowboys anthology. I see now that it's a free-to-download story, and I can certainly recommend it. Good stuff. I still wish you'd do an expansion, though.
Sacchi, in fact I have a series planned with that character ;-). You put a tremendous anthology together in Lesbian Cowboys (award winning!) and I was proud to be part of it. Stunned really, with the other authors and stories you selected.
ReplyDeleteHello, Teresa,
ReplyDeleteI've got to get hold of Dark Law! It sounds fantastic.Please do consider booking a spot at my blog to promote it. I think you know where to find me ;^)
You are very brave starting a new press, given the state of the publishing universe. However, I think you have the passion to succeed.
Thank you, Lisabet! I will definitely contact you. The publishing world is scary, for sure. My marker for success is simply to expand the market and appreciation of lesbian erotic fiction. We've signed two authors currently. I have appreciated and enjoyed the submissions we've received in one way or another, even if I couldn't publish them. But we need more submissions! Let the world know ;-)